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Monday 5 December 2011

Dah-2 la tuh.. T_T





I'm fasting today, THATS WHY T_T Kenapa la mase Shafa puasa, Wan beli KFC :'( Sedihnye ~~ Adik-2 tadi nearly makan depan Shafa then I quickly shouted " GEEEEEEEEEEEET OUTTTTTTTT ! " Hihihi .. I know I'm bad. But seriously, lapar gile tahap babeng arh. Haha .. lawak ke?  Semoga Shafa tak bukak puasa sblom Maghrib ! HEEEEE >:D

Austin Mahone, is MINE :)

Mesti korang tertanya-tanya "Who's AUSTIN MAHONE?" Well, nilah jawapan nyee ~~ Keep SCROLLING ;)

Mesti korang cakap "mesti rambut dy tiru gaya bieber" Well, I know sape akan ckp cmtuh.

Dont judge his voice by his face ! Haha xD Dy punye voice MATURED ;)
Nak dengar ? Pergi la search kat youtube name dy ~ Sah-2 ade. Sorry takleh tolong letak kt sini je sbab problem sikit laptop nih ... jahatnyee T_T

That's all :D A very short post indeed ;)


Wow. Of all dreams I have, this one is the NIGHTMARESESSSSST D: 

The nightmare starts here :
I was in my friend's car and SUDDENLY, I saw NY (my friend) and AZ (my friend) The name are censored. were singing song together and then kissing ? o.O I was like .. WATAHELL...? My heart broken in pieces ( I dont even know why but I dont like AZ ) -.- Then, I saw AZ recorded of their singing so, I did something and I snatch AZ MP3 xD I dont know why. When, I go to my room, I take the MP3 and listen to what they are saying and singing. forgot what song they sing  But this one hurts the most ! AZ gossip about me saying that I am bad, and such more -.- The next day, I went to school, I heard that AZ said something bad about me as like I can read his mind ,, I dont even know that people who can read people's mind is hurt  
So, I gave him the MP3 with my angry face xD 

The next one is, when I go back to my home, I've got a mail from me .. When I open it, It's my result. I cried when I saw my awful results -.- When I look on the internat says 96 in my batch but when I look in the mail says 120+ something like that. I HOPE THIS IS NOT TRUE.

I was relieved after waking up.

Sorry for my broken english :')